• hello@europebiobankweek.eu
  • Bologna, Italy

#EBW24 Editorial: MICROBE – MICRObiome Biobanking (RI) Enabler

This article comes from the MICROBE team. You can read about the project here – it kicked off in March 2023 at BBMRI.at. Microbiomes comprise communities of microorganisms (i.e., bacteria, archaea, protists, fungi and microalgae) and their “theatre of activity” (i.e., structural elements, metabolites, signal molecules, mobile genetic elements (such as viruses), as well as surrounding environmental conditions)1. They are […]

#EBW24 Editorial: Unlocking the Power of Veterinary Samples and Biobanking – A Promising Source for ”One-Health” Research

This article comes from the team at VetBiobank who will be presenting at EBW24. What you do? The VetBiobank collects veterinary samples from the clinics of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna. Its aim is to archive high-quality samples from diseased animals and corresponding healthy reference controls for research purposes. Currently, the collections mainly consist of tumor and healthy reference […]

#EBW24 previews: Keynote with Sir Rory Collins, UK Biobank

We are delighted that the first day keynote of #EBW24 will be delivered by Sir Rory Collins, Principal Investigator and Chief Executive of UK Biobank. The subject of the keynote will be ‘UK Biobank: scale, depth, duration … but, most importantly, accessibility’. Sir Rory Collins’ talk will provide information about UK Biobank, highlight recent enhancements, and introduce their cloud-based Research […]

#EBW24 previews: Programme update

Programme You can find the draft 2024 programme below. This will be continually updated, and further detailed, as session participants are confirmed. We will shortly be releasing the call for abstracts so if there is a theme that interests you, keep an eye on this page for news. Outline Tuesday 14 May Wednesday 15 May Thursday 16 May Friday 17 May