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  • Bologna, Italy

EBW24 Live: Closing ceremony

The Europe Biobank Week (EBW) Congress, jointly organised between BBMRI-ERIC (the European Research Infrastructure for Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources in Health and Life Science) and ESBB (the European, African and Middle Eastern Society for Biobanking and Biopreservation) officially closed at The Hofburg Conference Centre in Vienna, Austria on 17 May 2024.  Prof. Jens K. Habermann, Director General at BBMRI-ERIC and Roland Leiminger, incoming […]

#EBW24 Live: Ethics café  

The first session of Friday’s EBW scientific programme was the Ethics café, chaired by Dr. Michaela Th. Mayrhofer, Head of BBMRI-ERIC ELSI, and Dr. Pieter Moons, from Biobank Antwerpen. This interactive session facilitated an exchange of thoughts and knowledge about pressing ethical issues.   Dr. Mayrhofer welcomed participants and introduced her co-chair, Dr. Pieter Moons. This year’s topic, “Ethics committees […]

#EBW24 Live: Dr Gillian Bartlett, University of Missouri delivers keynote lecture II – ‘Biobanking with Underrepresented Populations: The Critical Role of Participant’ 

The second session of today’s EBW scientific programme was the keynote delivered by Dr. Gillian Bartlett, Associate Dean for Graduate Research Education at the School of Medicine at the University of Missouri. The subject of her talk was ‘Biobanking with Underrepresented Populations: The Critical Role of Participant’.   Dr. Bartlett spoke about the problems released to underrepresentation when it comes to robust […]

#EBW24 Live: Sir Rory Collins, UK Biobank delivers keynote lecture I – ‘Biobanking for Precision and Genomics Medicine. UK Biobank: scale, depth, duration … but, most importantly, accessibility’ 

The first session of the EBW scientific programme was the keynote delivered by Sir Rory Collins, Principal Investigator and Chief Executive of UK Biobank. The subject of his talk was ‘Biobanking for Precision and Genomics Medicine. UK Biobank: scale, depth, duration … but, most importantly, accessibility’.  Afterwards, Sir Collins highlighted the achievements of the Uk Biobank and underlined the importance […]

#EBW24 Live: Opening ceremony

The Europe Biobank Week (EBW) Congress, jointly organised between BBMRI-ERIC (the European Research Infrastructure for Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources in Health and Life Science) and ESBB (the European, African and Middle Eastern Society for Biobanking and Biopreservation) kicked off at The Hofburg Conference Centre in Vienna, Austria on 15 May 2024.  EBW  brings together researchers, biobank staff, institutions and industry who […]

#EBW24 previews: Speakers for panel session ‘The road towards ISO 20387 accreditation’

We are delighted to confirm the speakers for panel session ‘The road towards ISO 20387 accreditation’: Andrea Martina Terracciano and Dr. Sabine Bavamian. The session takes place on Wednesday 15 May 2024 as part of the EBW24 programme. Andrea Martina Terracciano Andrea Martina Terracciano moved in England in 2017 after graduating with a BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences from the University of […]

#EBW24 previews: Full Congress details now on WHOVA App

Europe Biobank Week Congress 2024 is online on the WHOVA App. Download your QR code to take an active part in #EWB24. Using the app, you will be able to navigate the full programme, preview the exhibitors and sponsors and plan in advance whom to meet from the community via in-app messages. You can use the WHOVA app to collect […]

#EBW24 Editorial: EBW strengthening biobanks and biorepositories

This article comes from LVL technology, silver supporter of #EBW24. Biobanking is a crucial aspect of modern healthcare and research, as it involves the storage and management of biological samples for various purposes, such as medical research, drug development, and personalised medicine. LVL technology’s biobanking solutions, specifically their 2D coded tubes, play a significant role in enhancing the efficiency, accuracy, […]

#EBW24 Editorial: Advancing Together – Quality Management at BBMRI.at

This article comes from Helmuth Haslacher and Cornelia Stumptner from BBMRI.at. What do you do? From the very beginning, the Austrian National Node BBMRI.at considered quality as a crucial issue. BBMRI.at’s quality management work package is maintained by a team of quality management coordinators (QMCs) nominated by each partner biobank and coordinated by Helmuth Haslacher from the MedUni Vienna Biobank. The […]

#EBW24 previews: State-of-the-art speaker for ‘Rare Diseases’

We are very pleased to confirm the state-of-the-art speaker for the panel session: ‘Rare Diseases’. Prof. Dr. Uğur Özbek from Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center-IBG will be leading this session and we profile his biography and abstract here. The session takes place on Thursday 16 May 2024 as part of the EBW24 programme. Prof. Dr. Uğur Özbek Uğur Özbek, MD, PhD, graduated […]